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Cressona PA

A somewhat better picture
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Cressona PA

This is the view outside my brothe-in-laws front door!

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Becoming a Wino

I brought up wine before in the Dining forum noted previously and it got a bit of a discussion going.

I've found I'm not much for the Sutter Home types, instead preferring something with more body and less bitterness. I had some at a bar last week and it was okay, so I bought a 1 litre bottle at the liquor store for home consumption. Nastiest stuff I think I've ever had! I'll have to double-check to see if I bought the wrong type.

I've become a regular at The Red Barn Winery on Buckley Road in Liverpool (next to North Medical Center), where the young lady there patiently answers my novice-like questions, and normally waives the $1-$2 tasting fee. I haven't yet ventured into the world of reds, but every week my recycling bin has a couple of Wine De-Lite and Destiny bottles!

The Wine De-lite is as it's name suggests a white wine that goes great with everything (even though I haven't really figured out how one type of wine goes with any given food yet), while the Destiny is a rose' (that IS the same as a blush, right?) that goes down well in the evening.
The De-Lite comes in 750 ml and the big 1 liter bottle, but Destiny only comes in 750ml sizes unfortunately. We're taking two of each on our annual trek to the relatives this week.


The Phantom Inspection

There's been a lot of talk recently in the dining forum at regarding a local restaurant scoring below par on a recent inspection. Restaurant inspections, I believe, are fillers for the paper. They're used to fill up the gaps in the pages and each areas edition carries them on different weeks. somebody reported seeing this inspection last week and was called on the carpet for it. The inspections so far have not been found on the Internet so proving this story existed was difficult for the original poster.

This week, the infamous inspection showed up in "City" Neighbors, which I happened to buy without any forethought. I've taken the liberty of scanning it for the dining forum public to view. It is after all, public knowledge and a public record by virtue of the inspections being done by county health workers. Click on the picture for a full sized view. Don't forget to leave a comment or two, as I've never deleted a post on any of my websites, other than obvious spam and Blogger doesn't seem to have that issue thankfully!