Brewheisters in Ga. steal 2,600 cases of beer - News from The Post-Standard on syracuse.com#comments#comments
Man, is that gonna be a hangover or what?
Potty Breaks
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Becoming a Wino
I've found I'm not much for the Sutter Home types, instead preferring something with more body and less bitterness. I had some at a bar last week and it was okay, so I bought a 1 litre bottle at the liquor store for home consumption. Nastiest stuff I think I've ever had! I'll have to double-check to see if I bought the wrong type.
I've become a regular at The Red Barn Winery on Buckley Road in Liverpool (next to North Medical Center), where the young lady there patiently answers my novice-like questions, and normally waives the $1-$2 tasting fee. I haven't yet ventured into the world of reds, but every week my recycling bin has a couple of Wine De-Lite and Destiny bottles!
The Wine De-lite is as it's name suggests a white wine that goes great with everything (even though I haven't really figured out how one type of wine goes with any given food yet), while the Destiny is a rose' (that IS the same as a blush, right?) that goes down well in the evening.
The De-Lite comes in 750 ml and the big 1 liter bottle, but Destiny only comes in 750ml sizes unfortunately. We're taking two of each on our annual trek to the relatives this week.
The Phantom Inspection
Sunday drive on a Saturday afternoon
Today we took a ride out to Marcellus to Tim's Pumpkin Patch. It started raining about 5 minutes into the drive, so everyone kept their fingers crossed that it was just a passing shower. Well it rained the whole way there but as soon as we turned onto Rose Hill Road the rain stopped!
The kids had a ball on the short horse carriage ride that we took. Bobby wanted a hayride but apparently the horses had already eaten it all, so we settled for the benches in the wagon.
The gentleman driving let Sara take the reins for a bit, and she was in her finest glory!
The horse and wagon rides were $2 for adults and $1 for kids. Probably the best $6 I've spent all week, as Sara absolutely LOVES horses!
Looks like someone else has that problem of their legs falling asleep on the throne! This guy had been in there a while!
Tim's is right up the road from Beak & Skiff Apple Orchard. Those farmers out there have a great thing going. They're creative, affordable, and fun to visit. We'll be going back to both Tim's and Beak & Skiff next year.
They had pumpkin funnel cakes which kinda turned me off at first. Bobby got one and I tried a bite. It's a good thing he's got a small belly because I ended up scarfing up most of it! I didn't see any pumpkin wine, but I looked. I'd have tried some if it was free but that doesn't sound to appetizing either!
Pumpkins for $2, and smaller pie pumpkins for $1. Good deal!
Working On The Road
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Gone Fishin'
Bassmasters Tournament
Karate Essay
goal is writing an essay about his involvement in the martial arts. The
following is his essay entry:
My sister won a drawing at the Plank Road festival. My mom
asked me if I wanted to join to and I said yes. I’ve gotten physically
stronger, mentally smarter, emotionally stayed the same. I feel I’ve
developed more discipline than I had before and I feel I worked very hard and
spent much time on practicing. I feel stronger and able to defend myself
if I get into that position.
I would like to go on for my 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and so
on. I want to be a UFC fighter when I get older and karate would help me
with that a lot. Master Sgcar is dedicated to what he does and he is a
good leader. He is dedicated to teaching us discipline, good leadership,
and to be good kids. Karate is fun and hard at times but I like it.Attaboy, little buddy!
Apple Picking Time!
Dear Dogs and Cats,
Death of an Old Friend- Redux
This weeks events were a mixed bag, up until yesterday, when they took a tragic turn for the worse. The week started out bad enough. I had a headache on Monday, which turned into a full-blown assault on my sinuses and the attached plumbing by Tuesday. It felt like the kids filled my nostrils with green play-dough while I slept. On top of that, my back was just burning in pain, but I should be used to that by now I guess. I had vehicle problems. A turning lamp keeps blowing out on me, and for the life of me I can’t pinpoint the cause of the short, but I will.
What really ruined the week was the passing of an old friend. I have known my good friend Briggs for over 10 years. We went through a lot together. We enjoyed mostly good times, but there were a few hair-raising moments. We’d take long strolls in sun-filled fields, and short jaunts up the path of life together. He’s been falling apart slowly for some time now, but never stopped living until now. Some surgeries were more complex than others, and some of his age-induced injuries took longer than others to heal, but he was a survivor! We’d always stop after our strolls and enjoy a drink or two. I’d have a beer, and mix him up a stiff one. We did this every week, sometimes 2 or 3 times in a week.
He made most of his noise while we were exercising together, leaving me the only one talking afterwards. After a few years, he would go out and walk with my son. What a great team they were! Side by side, without a care in the world, they’d meander down the back forty hand in hand. The dog would get jealous and chase after them whenever we let her out. She hated to see some of her attention go to anyone but her, but that was this guy’s personality. He demanded all the attention he could get. The better the weather, the more he’d want to walk around and enjoy the beautiful summer sunshine. Cold, wet days were always hard, and are what led to his unfortunate demise, I’m afraid. On those days, he would just sit there in his garage, looking out at the forming puddles and not utter a peep.
So, I have problem on my hands now that my friend is gone and I’d like your help.
Should I go out and buy a new lawn mower now, or rely on my neighbor’s kindness and borrow theirs for the remainder of the year? If you have one for sale really cheap, give me a holler, ok?
Bloo's babies
This is Bloo's baby of the week. Every time we turn around, she's 'adopted' on of my daughters stuffed animals for her own. This is this weeks winner!
She normally does no damage to these toys aside from drowning them in doggie drool. she carries them around, showing them off to all that will take notice. Unfortunately she does like to share with Larkin, Jasper, and Brandy, the labs next door. Once they get hold of something though it's usually mutilated in less than a minute. I gotta fix that hole under the fence one of these days!
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Free fax machine
I've also got an old smith corona word processor that I have no use for.
All ya gotta do is "e" me at local116@gmail.com !
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Candidate Class
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This is Bloo
You'll be hearing a lot about her. She's a golden retriever, but thinks she's of Irish and German descent just like her humans. She's also my guinea pig for posting from my phone, which is really more cool than useful.
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Getting closer, Getting excited!
New uniforms are in, as well as the necessary patches. He got sized for his custom-made black belt too! I was at a meeting and wasn't present for this unfortunately but I'm told that once he put the belt on to check for proper size, he didn't want to take it off! I can't say as I blame him either. He was forced to 'reset his goals", as they put it, last cycle as he broke his arm about halfway through that first cycle. Still, to make it all the way through in two attempts is quite an achievement for anyone, even more so for an eleven year old kid.
I made it home in time to talk to him before he fell asleep, and he's pretty stoked. He's already worried about stage fright. I think he'll do fine, and tried to tell him that this is no different than participating in one of the many tournaments he's been in and had no trouble with stage fright. He said "Dad, that place is gonna have 2000 people in it, and that's a lot of people!"
The next two weeks will be awfully busy preparing for Power Weekend. It's now held at the Mulroy Civic Center in downtown Syracuse. He'll be busy perfecting his creative kumatae, and working on board-breaking too!
I'm a proud proud daddy right now. If he gets hurt between now and October 14, he'll be grounded until he's 28, lol!
Black Belt Bobby
Bobby has been working tirelessly on earning his forst degree black belt. This weekend he joined 2 dozen others from all the Lavalles dojo's at Lavalles HQ in Liverpool NY for what they call a pre-exam. An hour and a half of kada's and sparring followed by a timed 2 mile run, and doing this with others that he's not used to working out with as normally he works with kids from Team Cicero only.
This made it interesting, as although all schools teach the same discipline, each Sensei has their own methods. Therefore, one school might teach that you don't hit in the head while sparring, another might say "Hit to win". I guess out there in the real world one can't count on their opponent playing by the rules.