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Black Belt Bobby

Bobby has been working tirelessly on earning his forst degree black belt. This weekend he joined 2 dozen others from all the Lavalles dojo's at Lavalles HQ in Liverpool NY for what they call a pre-exam. An hour and a half of kada's and sparring followed by a timed 2 mile run, and doing this with others that he's not used to working out with as normally he works with kids from Team Cicero only.

This made it interesting, as although all schools teach the same discipline, each Sensei has their own methods. Therefore, one school might teach that you don't hit in the head while sparring, another might say "Hit to win". I guess out there in the real world one can't count on their opponent playing by the rules.

They've got an awesome team that coaches the kids with their running, Mr Bill, Mr Pies, and Mr Dave (not shown) . Bobby has got his two mile time down to 15:11 which is about as long as it takes this old man to get out of bed in the morning!

1 comment:

Greeneyezz said...


I wanted to be the very VERY first person to comment on your blog!

So THERE!! ;P~~~

So, Bobby is close to getting his Blackbelt, eh??

*In very best Ghetto speak*
He gonna wipe da floo' wit you!!!


Welcome Back ! Does this mean no more Coffee chats????

